Package mathbench :: Package lab :: Module notebook :: Class LabBook
[hide private]

Class LabBook

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     object --+                                
wx._core.Object --+                            
wx._core.EvtHandler --+                        
        wx._core.Window --+                    
 wx._windows.TopLevelWindow --+                
              wx._windows.Frame --+            

LabBook instance that manage all the sutff displayed on screen (editors and shells).

To add the singleton behaviour to a LabBench instance.

implemented in a similar way as in :

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, parent=None, id=-1, title='MathBench', config=None, pos=wx.Point(-1, -1), size=(800, 600), style=541072960, filename=None, history_dir=None)
Create LabBookFrame instance.
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Create the top level widgets contained by the frame
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Create a toolbar showing some helping options
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Create the widget that will be used as the main shell
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Setup prior to first buffer creation.
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When a new page is added perform some necessary checking and settings.
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Put here the functions to call at the begining of the working session of the shell.
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enforce_options(self, window)
Enforce the choices the user made with the options.
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Recreate the menus, overwritting what has been done in the wx/py/
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_checkCurrentBufferSaved(self, title='Savind required')
Check is the content of the current buffer has been saved (at its latest version).
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_editorChange(self, editor)
When the editor change, update the menu options.
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log_sink_to_file(self, text)
Create a new file from the given text
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Create new buffer.
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printing ability
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OnClose(self, event)
Close everything and don't let a creepy plugin hold the end of the app.
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OnHelp(self, event)
Display a small helpign text
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OnAbout(self, event)
Display an About window.
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OnLibrary(self, event)
Show the library desk
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OnExecute(self, event)
Execute the script in a new shell frame.
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OnExecuteInMainShell(self, event)
Execute the script in the main shell.
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OnPreference(self, event)
Show the preference panel
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OnHistoryToScript(self, event)
Pass the shell's history to a new script.
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OnLoadOldSession(self, event)
Load an older session from its history file.
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Take into accout a change in the options
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Remove the reference to the options frame
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OnHelpToolClick(self, event)
When the user clicks on the helpbar, find which button has been clicked and act !
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OnQueryKeyDown(self, event)
When user clicks on enter while typing in the query widget, then launch the search !
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Inherited from bufferCreate, bufferDestroy, bufferOpen

Inherited from (private): _updateTitle

Inherited from OnIdle, bufferClose, bufferHasChanged, bufferSave, bufferSaveAs, bufferSuggestSave, hasBuffer, setEditor, updateNamespace

Inherited from (private): _updateStatus, _updateTabText

Inherited from LoadSettings, OnActivate, OnAutoCompleteDouble, OnAutoCompleteMagic, OnAutoCompleteShow, OnAutoCompleteSingle, OnAutoSaveSettings, OnCallTipsInsert, OnCallTipsShow, OnClear, OnClearHistory, OnCopy, OnCopyPlus, OnCut, OnDelSettingsFile, OnEditStartupScript, OnEmptyBuffer, OnExecStartupScript, OnExit, OnFileClose, OnFileNew, OnFileOpen, OnFilePrint, OnFileRevert, OnFileSave, OnFileSaveAs, OnFileUpdateNamespace, OnFindClose, OnFindNext, OnFindText, OnIconize, OnPaste, OnPastePlus, OnRedo, OnSaveHistory, OnSaveHistoryNow, OnSaveSettings, OnSelectAll, OnShowLineNumbers, OnToggleMaximize, OnToggleTools, OnUndo, OnUpdateMenu, OnUseAA, OnWrap, SaveSettings

Inherited from wx._windows.Frame: Command, Create, CreateStatusBar, CreateToolBar, DoGiveHelp, DoMenuUpdates, GetMenuBar, GetStatusBar, GetStatusBarPane, GetToolBar, PopStatusText, ProcessCommand, PushStatusText, SendSizeEvent, SetMenuBar, SetStatusBar, SetStatusBarPane, SetStatusText, SetStatusWidths, SetToolBar

Inherited from wx._windows.TopLevelWindow: CenterOnScreen, CentreOnScreen, EnableCloseButton, GetDefaultItem, GetIcon, GetTitle, GetTmpDefaultItem, Iconize, IsActive, IsAlwaysMaximized, IsFullScreen, IsIconized, IsMaximized, MacGetMetalAppearance, MacSetMetalAppearance, Maximize, RequestUserAttention, Restore, SetDefaultItem, SetIcon, SetIcons, SetShape, SetTitle, SetTmpDefaultItem, ShowFullScreen, __repr__

Inherited from wx._core.Window: AcceptsFocus, AcceptsFocusFromKeyboard, AddChild, AdjustForLayoutDirection, AssociateHandle, CacheBestSize, CanSetTransparent, CaptureMouse, Center, CenterOnParent, Centre, CentreOnParent, ClearBackground, ClientToScreen, ClientToScreenXY, Close, ConvertDialogPointToPixels, ConvertDialogSizeToPixels, ConvertPixelPointToDialog, ConvertPixelSizeToDialog, DLG_PNT, DLG_SZE, Destroy, DestroyChildren, Disable, DissociateHandle, DragAcceptFiles, Enable, FindWindowById, FindWindowByName, Fit, FitInside, Freeze, GetAcceleratorTable, GetAdjustedBestSize, GetAutoLayout, GetBackgroundColour, GetBackgroundStyle, GetBestFittingSize, GetBestSize, GetBestSizeTuple, GetBestVirtualSize, GetBorder, GetCaret, GetCharHeight, GetCharWidth, GetChildren, GetClientAreaOrigin, GetClientRect, GetClientSize, GetClientSizeTuple, GetConstraints, GetContainingSizer, GetCursor, GetDefaultAttributes, GetDropTarget, GetEffectiveMinSize, GetEventHandler, GetExtraStyle, GetFont, GetForegroundColour, GetFullTextExtent, GetGrandParent, GetHandle, GetHelpText, GetHelpTextAtPoint, GetId, GetLabel, GetLayoutDirection, GetMaxHeight, GetMaxSize, GetMaxWidth, GetMinHeight, GetMinSize, GetMinWidth, GetName, GetParent, GetPosition, GetPositionTuple, GetRect, GetScreenPosition, GetScreenPositionTuple, GetScreenRect, GetScrollPos, GetScrollRange, GetScrollThumb, GetSize, GetSizeTuple, GetSizer, GetTextExtent, GetThemeEnabled, GetToolTip, GetTopLevelParent, GetUpdateClientRect, GetUpdateRegion, GetValidator, GetVirtualSize, GetVirtualSizeTuple, GetWindowBorderSize, GetWindowStyle, GetWindowStyleFlag, GetWindowVariant, HasCapture, HasFlag, HasMultiplePages, HasScrollbar, HasTransparentBackground, Hide, HitTest, HitTestXY, InheritAttributes, InheritsBackgroundColour, InitDialog, InvalidateBestSize, IsBeingDeleted, IsDoubleBuffered, IsEnabled, IsExposed, IsExposedPoint, IsExposedRect, IsFrozen, IsRetained, IsShown, IsShownOnScreen, IsTopLevel, Layout, LineDown, LineUp, Lower, MakeModal, Move, MoveAfterInTabOrder, MoveBeforeInTabOrder, MoveXY, Navigate, PageDown, PageUp, PopEventHandler, PopupMenu, PopupMenuXY, PostCreate, PrepareDC, PushEventHandler, Raise, Refresh, RefreshRect, RegisterHotKey, ReleaseMouse, RemoveChild, RemoveEventHandler, Reparent, ScreenToClient, ScreenToClientXY, ScrollLines, ScrollPages, ScrollWindow, SetAcceleratorTable, SetAutoLayout, SetBackgroundColour, SetBackgroundStyle, SetBestFittingSize, SetCaret, SetClientRect, SetClientSize, SetClientSizeWH, SetConstraints, SetContainingSizer, SetCursor, SetDimensions, SetDoubleBuffered, SetDropTarget, SetEventHandler, SetExtraStyle, SetFocus, SetFocusFromKbd, SetFont, SetForegroundColour, SetHelpText, SetHelpTextForId, SetId, SetInitialSize, SetLabel, SetLayoutDirection, SetMaxSize, SetMinSize, SetName, SetOwnBackgroundColour, SetOwnFont, SetOwnForegroundColour, SetPosition, SetRect, SetScrollPos, SetScrollbar, SetSize, SetSizeHints, SetSizeHintsSz, SetSizeWH, SetSizer, SetSizerAndFit, SetThemeEnabled, SetToolTip, SetToolTipString, SetTransparent, SetValidator, SetVirtualSize, SetVirtualSizeHints, SetVirtualSizeHintsSz, SetVirtualSizeWH, SetWindowStyle, SetWindowStyleFlag, SetWindowVariant, ShouldInheritColours, Show, Thaw, ToggleWindowStyle, TransferDataFromWindow, TransferDataToWindow, UnregisterHotKey, Update, UpdateWindowUI, UseBgCol, Validate, WarpPointer

Inherited from wx._core.EvtHandler: AddPendingEvent, Bind, Connect, Disconnect, GetEvtHandlerEnabled, GetNextHandler, GetPreviousHandler, ProcessEvent, ProcessPendingEvents, SetEvtHandlerEnabled, SetNextHandler, SetPreviousHandler, Unbind

Inherited from wx._core.EvtHandler (private): _setOORInfo

Inherited from wx._core.Object: GetClassName, IsSameAs

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __str__

Class Methods [hide private]
initShellSessionAppend(self, cmd_str)
Add a command to be executed at session init.
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Static Methods [hide private]
__new__(cls, parent=None, id=-1, title='Math Bench', config=None, pos=wx.Point(-1, -1), size=(800, 600), style=541072960, filename=None, history_dir=None)
Make sure only one instance is ever created
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Inherited from wx._windows.Frame: GetClassDefaultAttributes

Inherited from wx._core.Window: FindFocus, GetCapture, NewControlId, NextControlId, PrevControlId

Class Variables [hide private]
  __instance = None
  _init_shell_session = []

Inherited from revision

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from wx._windows.Frame: MenuBar, StatusBar, StatusBarPane, ToolBar, thisown

Inherited from wx._windows.TopLevelWindow: DefaultItem, Icon, Title, TmpDefaultItem

Inherited from wx._core.Window: AcceleratorTable, AutoLayout, BackgroundColour, BackgroundStyle, BestSize, BestVirtualSize, Border, Caret, CharHeight, CharWidth, Children, ClientAreaOrigin, ClientRect, ClientSize, Constraints, ContainingSizer, Cursor, DefaultAttributes, DropTarget, EffectiveMinSize, Enabled, EventHandler, ExtraStyle, Font, ForegroundColour, GrandParent, Handle, HelpText, Id, Label, LayoutDirection, MaxHeight, MaxSize, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinSize, MinWidth, Name, Parent, Position, Rect, ScreenPosition, ScreenRect, Shown, Size, Sizer, ThemeEnabled, ToolTip, TopLevel, TopLevelParent, UpdateClientRect, UpdateRegion, Validator, VirtualSize, WindowStyle, WindowStyleFlag, WindowVariant

Inherited from wx._core.EvtHandler: EvtHandlerEnabled, NextHandler, PreviousHandler

Inherited from wx._core.Object: ClassName

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, parent=None, id=-1, title='MathBench', config=None, pos=wx.Point(-1, -1), size=(800, 600), style=541072960, filename=None, history_dir=None)

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Create LabBookFrame instance.

__new__(cls, parent=None, id=-1, title='Math Bench', config=None, pos=wx.Point(-1, -1), size=(800, 600), style=541072960, filename=None, history_dir=None)
Static Method

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Make sure only one instance is ever created
a new object with type S, a subtype of T

Overrides: object.__new__


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Setup prior to first buffer creation.

Called automatically by base class during init.



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Put here the functions to call at the begining of the working session of the shell.

This is separated from the init function, so that anybody can overwrite the content of this function.

_editorChange(self, editor)

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When the editor change, update the menu options.


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Create new buffer.

This method is redefined only to include a workaround for bug#1752674


OnClose(self, event)

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Close everything and don't let a creepy plugin hold the end of the app.

OnHelp(self, event)

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Display a small helpign text

OnAbout(self, event)

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Display an About window.